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发布时间:2024-05-29 文章来源:Harsco Rail Global Website 翻译:Skye Dou

Successful Demonstration of Fully Autonomous Spike Pulling:
A Milestone in Railroad Maintenance

In a groundbreaking achievement for the railroad maintenance industry, our team successfully demonstrated a fully autonomous spike-pulling operation during two weeks of rigorous field validation. This milestone was accomplished through the integration of advanced artificial intelligence and cutting-edge control systems, specifically IRIS (Harsco AI solution) and Jupiter II (Flagship control system).

在为期两周的严格现场验证中,我们的团队成功演示了完全自主的拔道钉操作,这是铁路养护行业的开创性成就。这一里程碑是通过集成先进的人工智能和尖端的控制系统,特别是IRIS (Harsco AI解决方案)Jupiter II(核心控制系统)来实现的。


Overview of the Project


The primary objective of this project was to develop and validate an autonomous system capable of detecting, locating, and pulling spikes from the railroad tracks using a BNSF Nordco Spike Puller. Traditional spike pulling is a labor-intensive process, often requiring significant manual effort and posing safety risks to the workers. Our autonomous solution aims to revolutionize this process by enhancing efficiency, safety, and accuracy.

该项目的主要目标是开发和验证一个自主系统,该系统能够使用BNSF Nordco 拔道钉机检测、定位并从铁路轨道上拔出道钉。传统的拔道钉是一个劳动密集型的过程,通常需要大量的人工劳动,并给工人带来安全风险。我们的自主解决方案旨在通过提高效率、安全性和准确性来彻底改变这一过程。


Key Technologies


IRIS (Harsco AI Solution): At the heart of the autonomous system is IRIS, an AI-powered solution designed to detect and locate spikes with precision. Utilizing advanced image recognition and machine learning algorithms, IRIS can analyze the track environment in real-time, identifying the exact position of each spike. This system ensures that the machine operates with a high level of accuracy, reducing the chances of missed or incorrectly pulled spikes.

Jupiter II (Flagship Control System): Working along side IRIS is the Jupiter II control system, which serves as the central command for the autonomous spike-pulling operation. Jupiter II coordinates the machine's movements, ensuring that the spike-pulling process is executed seamlessly. The control system is equipped with robust safety features and real-time monitoring to safeguard both the equipment and the surrounding environment.

IRIS(哈斯科人工智能解决方案): 自主系统的核心是 IRIS,这是一种人工智能解决方案,旨在精确检测和定位尖峰。利用先进的图像识别和机器学习算法,IRIS 可以实时分析轨道环境,识别每个道钉的准确位置。该系统可确保机器以高精度运行,减少漏拔或错拔道钉的几率。

Jupiter II(核心控制系统): IRIS 一起工作的还有 Jupiter II 控制系统,它是自主拔道钉作业的中央指挥系统。Jupiter II 可协调机器的运动,确保无缝执行拔道钉过程。控制系统配备了强大的安全功能和实时监控功能,以保护设备和周围环境的安全。


Field Validation


The two-week field validation was conducted with a dedicated rail team, tasked with overseeing the operation and providing feedback on the system's performance. During this period, the autonomous spike-pulling machine operated continuously, demonstrating its capability to function effectively in various track conditions. Key highlights from the field validation include:

High Accuracy and Efficiency: The machine successfully detected and pulled spikes with an accuracy rate of over 80%. This high level of precision significantly reduces the need for manual intervention, allowing the crew to focus on other critical maintenance tasks.

Operational Reliability & Edge cases: The machine demonstrated consistent performance throughout the validation period for known track conditions, operating without major downtime or technical issues. We come across few edge cases such as different types of tie plates, spikes, uncleared track, and frequent changes in track features.  Our team has collected / recorded data for future improvements.


高精确度和高效率: 机器成功检测并拔出道钉的准确率超过 80%。这种高精确度大大减少了人工干预的需要,使工作人员能够专注于其他关键的养护任务。

运行可靠性和边缘案例: 在已知轨道条件下,机器在整个验证期间表现出稳定的性能,没有出现重大停机或技术问题。我们遇到了一些边缘情况,如不同类型的绑扎板、道钉、未清理的轨道以及轨道特征的频繁变化。 我们的团队已经收集/记录了相关数据,以便今后改进。


Team Effort and Collaboration


The success of this project is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team. The team of individuals from Sales, Product Management, Engineers, AI specialists, and Field technicians worked tirelessly to design, develop, and test the autonomous spike-pulling system. Collaboration was key, with each member contributing their unique skills and knowledge to overcome challenges and optimize the system's performance.



Future Implications


The successful demonstration of fully autonomous spike pulling marks a significant advancement in railroad maintenance technology. As we move forward, there are several potential implications and opportunities. 

Wider Adoption: With proven field validation, there is potential for widespread adoption of autonomous spike-pulling machines across the railroad industry. This could lead to more efficient and safer maintenance practices on a larger scale.

Continuous Improvement: Feedback from the field validation will be invaluable in refining and enhancing the system. Ongoing development efforts will focus on further improving accuracy, efficiency, and adaptability to different track conditions.

Expansion of Autonomous Solutions: The success of this project opens the door for the development of other autonomous solutions for railroad maintenance tasks. By leveraging AI and advanced control systems, we can continue to innovate and improve various aspects of track maintenance.


更广泛的应用: 经过现场验证,自主拔道钉机有可能在整个铁路行业得到广泛采用。这将在更大范围内带来更高效、更安全的养护实践。

持续改进: 现场验证的反馈意见对于完善和改进系统非常宝贵。正在进行的开发工作将侧重于进一步提高准确性、效率和对不同轨道条件的适应性。

扩展自主解决方案: 该项目的成功为开发其他铁路养护任务的自主解决方案打开了大门。通过利用人工智能和先进的控制系统,我们可以继续创新和改进轨道养护的各个方面。




The completion of the two-week field validation for our fully autonomous spike-pulling system is a remarkable achievement, highlighting the potential of AI and automation in transforming railroad maintenance. Our team's dedication and collaborative efforts have paved the way for safer, more efficient, and more reliable track maintenance practices. As we look to the future, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of technology and driving innovation in the industry.

